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桂柯,男,suncitygroup太阳新城官网副研究员。主要从事多尺度气溶胶时空变化与驱动力解析研究,在我国及全球气溶胶污染时空变化驱动力研究、极端气溶胶污染事件精细化演变机理及气候环境影响、基于多源数据融合的大气污染物定量反演技术等方面取得了多项创新性成果。现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目等科研项目4项,在包括Science Bulletin中国工程院院刊EngineeringNational Science Review等国内外高质量学术期刊上发表第一/通讯作者SCI论文22篇。研究成果被SCI总引3400多次,H指数283篇论文入选地学领域ESI1%高被引论文。现担任《应用气象学报》和《气象与环境学报》第一届青年编委、北京气象学会青年专业委员会副主任委员、世界气象组织(WMO)浮尘公报编写专家、中国颗粒学会青年理事、龙凤山区域大气本底站客座专家、清华大学中国大气成分近实时追踪数据集工作组成员等。研究成果入选“2022年度中国生态环境十大科技进展”,曾获2023年谢义炳青年气象科技奖、北京市科学技术进步奖、中国颗粒学会自然科学奖、中国气象局十三五以来气象行业科技成果评价优秀奖、北京大学唐孝炎环境科学创新奖入选北京市科协青年人才托举工程、suncitygroup太阳新城官网高层次人才培养计划(骨干)和优秀青年等


1. Gui, K., Che, H.*, Tian, L., Wang, Y., Shi, C., Yao, W., ... & Zhang, X. (2022). Columnar optical, microphysical and radiative properties of the 2022 Hunga Tonga volcanic ash plumes. Science Bulletin67(19), 2013-2021.

2. Gui, K.Che, H.*, Li, L., Zheng, Y., Zhang, L., Zhao, H., ... & Zhang, X. (2022). The significant contribution of small-sized and spherical aerosol particles to the decreasing trend in total aerosol optical depth over land from 2003 to 2018. Engineering16, 82-92.

3. Gui, K., Yao, W., Che, H.*, An, L., Zheng, Y., Li, L., ... & Zhang, X. (2022). Record-breaking dust loading during two mega dust storm events over northern China in March 2021: Aerosol optical and radiative properties and meteorological drivers. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics22(12), 7905-7932.

4. Gui, K., Che, H.*, Zheng, Y., Zhao, H., Yao, W., Li, L., ... & Zhang, X. (2021). Three-dimensional climatology, trends, and meteorological drivers of global and regional tropospheric type-dependent aerosols: insights from 13 years (2007–2019) of CALIOP observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics21(19), 15309-15336.

5. Gui, K., Che, H.*, Zeng, Z., Wang, Y., Zhai, S., Wang, Z., ... & Zhang, X. (2020). Construction of a virtual PM2. 5 observation network in China based on high-density surface meteorological observations using the Extreme Gradient Boosting model. Environment International141, 105801.

6. Gui, K., Che, H.*, Wang, Y., Wang, H., Zhang, L., Zhao, H., ... & Zhang, X. (2019). Satellite-derived PM2. 5 concentration trends over Eastern China from 1998 to 2016: Relationships to emissions and meteorological parameters. Environmental pollution247, 1125-1133.

7. Gui, K., Che, H.*, Zheng, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, L., Zhao, H., ... & Zhang, X. (2021). Seasonal variability and trends in global type-segregated aerosol optical depth as revealed by MISR satellite observations. Science of The Total Environment787, 147543.

8. Gui, K., Che, H.*, Yao, W., Zheng, Y., Li, L., An, L., ... & Zhang, X. (2023). Quantifying the contribution of local drivers to observed weakening of spring dust storm frequency over northern China (1982–2017). Science of The Total Environment894, 164923.

9. Gui, K., Che, H.*, Chen, Q., Zeng, Z., Liu, H., Wang, Y., ... & Zhang, X. (2017). Evaluation of radiosonde, MODIS-NIR-Clear, and AERONET precipitable water vapor using IGS ground-based GPS measurements over China. Atmospheric Research197, 461-473.

10. Gui, K., Che, H.*, Chen, Q., Zeng, Z., Zheng, Y., Long, Q., ... & Zhang, X. (2017). Water vapor variation and the effect of aerosols in China. Atmospheric Environment165, 322-335.

11. Gui, K.Che, H.*, Wang, Y., Xia, X., Holben, B. N., Goloub, P., ... & Zhang, X. (2021). A global-scale analysis of the MISR Level-3 aerosol optical depth (AOD) product: Comparison with multi-platform AOD data sources. Atmospheric Pollution Research12(12), 101238.

12. Gui, K., Che, H.*, Chen, Q., An, L., Zeng, Z., Guo, Z., ... & Zhang, X. (2016). Aerosol optical properties based on ground and satellite retrievals during a serious haze episode in December 2015 over Beijing. Atmosphere7(5), 70.

13. Gui, K., Che, H.*, Chen, Q., Yu, J., Zheng, Y., Lu, S., ... & Shi, G. (2016). Analysis of the error in retrievals of aerosol optical properties from sunphotometer measurements of CARSNET due to a variety of objective factors. Atmosphere7(1), 9.

14. Zhang, X., Gui, K.*, Zeng, Z., Fei, Y., Li, L., Zheng, Y.,... Che, H.* & Zhang, X. (2024). Mapping the seamless hourly surface visibility in China: a real-time retrieval framework using a machine-learning-based stacked ensemble model. Npj Climate and Atmospheric Science.

15. Zhong, J., Zhang, X.*, Gui, K.*, Wang, Y., Che, H., Shen, X., ... & Zhang, W. (2021). Robust prediction of hourly PM2. 5 from meteorological data using LightGBM. National science review8(10), nwaa307.

16. Zhao, H., Gui, K.*, Yao, W., Shang, N.,... Che, H.*, & Zhang, X. (2023).  Seasonal and diurnal variations in XCO2 characteristics in China as observed by OCO-2/3 satellites: effects of land cover and local meteorology. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

17. Yao, W., Gui, K.*, Wang, Y., Che, H., & Zhang, X. (2021). Identifying the dominant local factors of 2000–2019 changes in dust loading over East Asia. Science of The Total Environment777, 146064.
18. Yao, W., Gui, K.*, Zheng, Y., Li, L., Wang, Y., Che, H.*, & Zhang, X. (2023). Seasonal cycles and long-term trends of arctic tropospheric aerosols based on CALIPSO lidar observations. Environmental Research216, 114613.

19. Liao, T., Gui, K.*, Li, Y., Wang, X., & Sun, Y. (2021). Seasonal distribution and vertical structure of different types of aerosols in southwest China observed from CALIOP. Atmospheric Environment246, 118145.

20. Cai, H., Gui, K.*, Jiang, W., Mao, Y., Yang, Y., & Zhao, Z. (2023). Climatology and interannual variability of type-dependent aerosol optical depth and vertical distribution over southwest China and northern India from multiple satellite and aerosol reanalysis datasets. Atmospheric Environment294, 119528.

21. Shang, N., Gui, K.*, Zhao, H., Yao, W., Zhao, H., Zhang, X., ... Che, H.* & Zhang, X. (2023). Decomposition of meteorological and anthropogenic contributions to near-surface ozone trends in Northeast China (2013–2021). Atmospheric Pollution Research14(9), 101841.

22. Liu, Y., Gui, K.*, Chen, Q., Feng, L., Cai, H., Zhang, X., ... & Che, H*. (2024). Three-dimensional structure and transport flux of springtime smoke aerosols over the Indochina Peninsula. Atmospheric Research, 107293.

23. Che, H., Gui, K., Xia, X., Wang, Y., Holben, B. N., Goloub, P., ... & Zhang, X. (2019). Large contribution of meteorological factors to inter-decadal changes in regional aerosol optical depth. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics19(16), 10497-10523.

24. Che, H., Gui, K., Chen, Q., Zheng, Y., Yu, J., Sun, T., ... & Shi, G. (2016). Calibration of the 936 nm water-vapor channel for the China aerosol remote sensing NETwork (CARSNET) and the effect of the retrieval water-vapor on aerosol optical property over Beijing, China. Atmospheric Pollution Research7(5), 743-753.



2019:论文入选NASA戈达德地球科学数据和信息服务中心2019年度Giovanni Hall of Fame images








