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  山东省高等学校人文社科研究计划项目:我国城市大气污染时空分布规律及其成因  0.5万2018-2022  主持

  中国科学院“西部之光”项目:基于人工神经网络的西北地区主要城市大气污染预测试验研究  2万 2013.11-2015.12 主持

  陕西省教育厅科学研究项目:陕西省主要城市大气污染预报模型研究(15JK1058)  2万  2015.6-2017.7  主持

  国家重点实验室项目:黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室开放基金项目:耦合多源多尺度时空数据新生代古地理重建及其气候环境模拟 2万 2020-2021 主持

  国家自然科学基金面上项目:中纬度西风带轨道尺度演化的长期瞬变模拟研究(41472162)88万2015.1-2018.12  合作,位2

  国家自然科学基金面上项目:中新世以来青藏高原北部隆升及亚洲内陆沙漠形成对区域气候与环境变化影响的数值模拟研究(41572150)  70万  2016.1.-2019.12  合作,位3

  国家自然科学基金面上项目:华东地区高山大气二元羧酸类SOA的垂直分布特征与形成机制(42177083), 2022.1-2025.12, 57万元, 合作,位3

  国家自然科学基金青年项目:历史时期黄河下游安山湖湿地演化及其与黄河运河的关系研究(41702373),23万  2018.1-2020.12  合作,位4



  第十六届“挑战杯”山东省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛三等奖,2019.6 位2

  国家科技基础条件平台中心大学生科技资源共享与服务创新实践竞赛优秀奖, 2013.12,位1 


  Qingchun Guo, Zhenfang He, and Zhaosheng Wang. Simulating daily PM2.5 concentrations using wavelet analysis and artificial neural network with remote sensing and surface observation data. Chemosphere 2023, 340, 139886.

  Qingchun Guo, Zhenfang He, and Zhaosheng Wang. Long-term projection of future climate change over the twenty-first century in the Sahara region in Africa under four Shared Socio-Economic Pathways scenarios. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2023, 30, 22319–22329.

  Qingchun Guo, Zhenfang He, and Zhaosheng Wang. Prediction of hourly PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations in Chongqing City in China based on artificial neural network. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 2023, 23, 220448.

  Qingchun Guo, Zhenfang He, and Zhaosheng Wang. Predicting of Daily PM2.5 Concentration Employing Wavelet Artificial Neural Networks Based on Meteorological Elements in Shanghai, China. Toxics 2023, 11(1):51.

  Qingchun Guo, Zhenfang He, and Zhaosheng Wang. Change in Air Quality during 2014–2021 in Jinan City in China and Its Influencing Factors. Toxics,2023, 11(3): 210.

  Qingchun Guo, Zhenfang He, Shanshan Li, Xinzhou Li, Jingjing Meng, Zhanfang Hou, Jiazhen Liu, Yongjin Chen. Air Pollution Forecasting Using Artificial and Wavelet Neural Networks with Meteorological Conditions. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 2020, 20(6): 1429–1439.

  Qingchun Guo, Zhaosheng Wang, Zhenfang He, Xinzhou Li, Jingjing Meng, Zhanfang Hou, Jiaoxue Yang. Changes in Air Quality from the COVID to the Post-COVID Era in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Region in China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research.2021, 21, 210270.

  Qingchun Guo, zhenfang he, Prediction of the confirmed cases and deaths of global COVID-19 using artificial intelligence, Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2021, 28, 11672–11682

  Qingchun Guo, Yaonan Zhang, Zhenfang He, and Yufang Min. Web-Based Data Integration and Interoperability for a Massive Spatial-Temporal Dataset of the Heihe River Basin EScience Framework. Advances in Meteorology.2015: 1-13.

  Xiaodong Liu, Qingchun Guo, Zhengtang Guo, Zhi-Yong Yin, Buwen Dong, Robin Smith. Where were the monsoon regions and arid zones in Asia prior to the Tibetan Plateau uplift?. National Science Review,2015,2: 403–416.

  Xiaodong Liu, Buwen Dong, Zhi-Yong Yin, Robin S. Smith, Qingchun Guo. Continental drift, plateau uplift, and the evolutions of monsoon and arid regions in Asia, Africa, and Australia during the Cenozoic. Science China Earth Sciences, 2019, 62(7): 1053–1075

  Xiaodong Liu, Buwen Dong, Zhi-Yong Yin, Robin S. Smith, Qingchun Guo.Continental drift and plateau uplift control origination and evolution of Asian and Australian monsoons. Scientific Reports 2017; 7: 40344.

  Li Wu, Hui Zhou, Jiaoyang Li, Kaifeng Li, Xiaoling Sun, Shuguang Lu, Linying Li,Tongxin Zhu, Qingchun Guo.Thiessen polygon analysis and spatial pattern evolution of Neolithic cultural sites (8.0–4.0 ka BP) in Huaibei Plain of Anhui, East China. Quaternary International,2019, 521: 75-84.

  Xiaoling Sun, Li Wu, Shuguang Lu, Hui Zhou, Chen Xu, Yong Luo, Lingling Yu, Qingchun Guo, Tongxin Zhu.FTIR Spectral Characteristics of Fe-Mn Nodules Derived from Quaternary Red Clay. Revista de la Facultad de Agronomia. 2019, 36(5): 1608-1616

  Xinzhou Li, Xiaodong Liu, Zaitao Pan, Zhengguo Shi, Xiaoning Xie, Qingchun Guo. A transient simulation of precession-scale spring dust activity over northern China and its relation to mid-latitude atmospheric circulation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2020,542, 109585

  Junfang Liu, Baolin Xue, Yinglan A, Wenchao Sun and Qingchun Guo. Water balance changes in response to climate change in the upper Hailar River Basin, China. Hydrology Research, 2020,51 (5): 1023–1035.

  WU Li, SUN Xiaoling, SUN Wei, ZHU Cheng, ZHU Tongxin, LU Shuguang,ZHOU Hui, GUO Qingchun, GUAN Houchun. Evolution of Neolithic site distribution (9.0–4.0 ka BP) in Anhui, East China, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2020, 30(9): 1451-1466.

  Li Wu, Shuguang Lu, Cheng Zhu, Chunmei Ma, Xiaoling Sun, Xiaoxue Li, Chenchen Li, Qingchun Guo. Holocene environmental archaeology of the Yangtze River Valley in China: A review. Land, 2021

  Li, Z., Meng, J., Zhou, L., Zhou, R., Fu, M., Wang, Y., Yi, Y., Song, A., Guo, Q., Hou, Z. and Yan, L. (2020). Impact of the COVID-19 Event on the Characteristics of Atmospheric Single Particle in the Northern China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 20: 1716–1726.

  Hui Zhou, Cheng Zhu, Li Wu, Chaogui Zheng, Xiaoling Sun, Qingchun Guo & Shuguang Lu. Organic carbon isotope record since the Late Glacial period from peat in the North Bank of the Yangtze River, China, European Journal of Remote Sensing,.2020.1795728

  Li, Z., Zhou, L., Zhou, R., Fu, M., Wang, Y., Yi, Y., Song, A., Guo, Q., Hou, Z. and Meng, J. Characteristics and sources of amine-containing particles in the urban atmosphere of Liaocheng, a seriously polluted city in North China during the COVID-19 outbreak. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 117887

  Wang, Z., Gong, H., Huang, M., Gu, F., Wei, J., Guo, Q., & Song, W. A multimodel random forest ensemble method for an improved assessment of Chinese terrestrial vegetation carbon density. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2021, 1– 16.

  Zhenfang He,Yaonan Zhang,Qingchun Guo.Comparative Study of Artificial Neural Networks and Wavelet Artificial Neural Networks for Groundwater Depth Data Forecasting with Various Curve Fractal Dimensions [J].Water Resources Management. 2014, 28:5297–5317.

  Wang, Z.; Li, R.; Guo, Q.; Wang, Z.; Huang, M.; Cai, C.; Chen, B. Learning ensembles of process-based models for high accurately evaluating the one-hundred-year carbon sink potential of China's forest ecosystem. Heliyon 2023, 9.

  Zhenfang He, Qingchun Guo, Zhaosheng Wang and Xinzhou Li. Prediction of Monthly PM2.5 Concentration in Liaocheng in China Employing Artificial Neural Network. Atmosphere. 2022; 13(8):1221. 



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